
4 - 5 year old

blackboardThe first five years of a child´s life offer the greatest potential for building the foundations of conceptual learning and of developing valuable life skills, habits and attitudes.; Early childhood education provides early stimulation in building interests in positive dispositions towards learning.

Our children attend school for a full five days and as such, they will join in with many of the daily school routines, including assemblies. Although learning is still planned through play and practical activity, there is greater emphasis on literacy and mathematical development – reasoning and thinking out of the box is always encouraged. At this level, children are taught how to take turns and to work in groups.

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The children are also encouraged to become more independent, aware of the world they live in, and to develop caring attitudes towards their peers, the environment and the need for a healthy lifestyle. For example, the school garden is used to demonstrate the practical use of recycle material and we also take many field trips or have community members such as police officers, farmers, street vendors share their stories with the groups.

fun-learningAt Vaz, we appreciate the importance of childhood and how the learning and development in the early stages of your child's education are critical for establishing positive attitudes and a joy for learning, which we guarantee will continue throughout his or her school life.


Vaz Preparatory School

11 ½ Dunoon Road
Kingston 2
Jamaica, W.I.

(876) 928-1226

"Honest Labour Bears a Lovely Face"
